Postnatal Exercise & Lifestyle Class

exercise after baby olney

This 6 week course is suitable for women from 6 weeks after a vaginal birth or 12 weeks after a C section delivery. There is no upper limit, so if you have had a baby even many years ago you are very welcome to join us.

Babies are very welcome too and a special area is set up for them to lay or play on, within easy reach of mums.

Our course runs for 6 weeks on Thursdays 10-11am at Little Therapy Space.

The Class is available to join through Zoom if you prefer to access it this way.

This course is for you if you want to get 100% clear on:

  • how to re engage your core and strengthen an abdominal separation (Diastasis Recti)
  • how to exercise safely and correctly with everyday mum movements
  • working with your pelvic floor to regain strength and mobility
  • effective nutrition which is healing, healthy, tasty and quick to make
  • how to work with your c section scar and what is normal
  • feel confident about when you are able to start running or retuning to heavier exercise
  • you  want to bring your baby along


The hour session is made up of a HIIT circuit which starts at 10 minutes on week 1 and progresses each week by 5 minutes building up to 30 minutes. Specific work is then done with the pelvic floor and core to strengthen this area and work towards closing any Diastasis or separation which may be causing issues. We always end with stretching of areas we have worked and as a massage therapist specialising in pregnancy and postnatal ladies I also include tips on relieving typical aches and pains which we can get at this stage.

Before starting the course you will be sent several short tutorial videos to watch on Posture, Breathing in exercise and use of pelvic floor contraction and relaxation.

Once you have started the course you will be added to a Whats App group where you can chat to the other ladies within the group and previous groups. You will have access to my experience and knowledge to be able to ask for advice on your postnatal recovery, either through this group or privately. You are welcome to stay within this group as long as it runs or take yourself out of it.


What you will need to bring:

  • Water for you
  • Come in comfortable clothing so you can move easily. Layer up as you will get warm
  • A blanket for baby to lay on over the mat


Progression onto the 9am Zoom HIIT class is an ideal way of moving forward upon completion of this course.

Numbers are capped at 6 for this course, so please book your place to avoid disappointment.


Postnatal/Return to Exercise Course

Course of 6 classes £72

June 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th, July 4th, 11th

Postnatal/Return to Exercise Course

Course of 6 classes £72

September 12th, 17th, 26th October 3rd, 10th, 17th

Postnatal/Return to Exercise Course

Course of 6 classes £72

November 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th December 5th, 12th
